Die Baumpflanzaktion: Mein Baum

Pflanze einen Baum

Horrible news

Recently it was reported on television that in the period between 2000 and 2013 the global deforestation of woods was extremely high. During this time the largest forest loss was registered in the countries Paraguay, Malaysia and Cambodia. In Brazil thousands of trees are felled continuously each year too. The clearing of this primeval forest badly affect our climate. This is very worrying!

The global reforestation, however, is only a vanishingly small portion. Don’t wait until other people or organizations plant trees! Let’s start with ourselves!

Successful reforestation under efforts

Let’s work together that our planet remains habitable for future generations!

Remember: In a few minutes a tree is felled, but it takes many decades for a planted, well maintained tree to grow up.

It upset me over and over again when I hear in the media from people telling that their dried areas were fully forested not so long ago. Other people in turn succeeded after a few years of care and trouble. They manage that in withered grounds small trees grow again. A nice example is Iceland about which also was reported on television.


Illustrative example of global tree setting action by children

Since 2007 the international children’s projectPlant-for-the-Planet” encourages people to plant trees all over the world. These children and young people have set themselves the goal of planting a certain number of trees by 2020. They have also set up a counter, where each new tree can be registered.

Everybody who wants to take part in the program can contact the following address:
Let’s support projects which try to save our world from deforestation!

TREES – liveable NATURE– healthy ENVIRONMENT

My parents and grandparents thought about me and made sure to leave behind a healthy environment. In this statement I want to thank them. These pictures show a healthy forest, fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink.


Autumn in my garden

I want to make a contribution for the future generation too. So I want to invite you all to take part in my new project. The following pictures show a few ideas.

Herbst im Garten

Rare trees and fruits

These rare trees and fruits grow in gardens and beside the roads.
Seltene Bäume

Holiday memories of beautiful landscapes

Beautiful healthy nature invites to stay. These holiday pictures show that the people in this region care about our environment. Their children and grandchildren will thank them in the future.
Wunderschöne Landschaft

These landscapes will

  • attract future tourists
  • be a source of income
  • be a place to work
  • etc.

Examples for bad maintenance

It’s sad, but there are areas, we should not try to imitate. Many people exploit the nature. They cut down many trees, but forget to reforest. Heavy machines which are used to cut down and transport the trees leave their marks in the wood and the ground suffers for a long time.
Keine Aufforstung nach Schlägerung

The pictures above show that even at the forest areas, where trees have been cut down, new plants and little trees grow. But truly, plant reforestation and intentional landscaping look different to me.

Life trees

A friend of mine told me, he planted life trees for his two children. Unfortunately there is no picture available. Perhaps you have some pictures, showing some special trees, you want to share with other people. I am sure a lot of ideas will bring many new trees for our planet.

My most favourite landscapes

Wanderung in Traumlandschaft

What is your favourite landscape?

Send us a picture. Click here!


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